
All Sorts of Excitement...

Never a dull moment around here. I guess that's not too terribly surprising considering we have infant twins. For some reason, I keep thinking I should be able to get more done during the day, but beyond bottles, making formula, laundry (lots and lots of laundry!!), paying bills, and attempting an afternoon nap --- I can't do much beyond that. I have all sorts of projects that I would like to tackle, namely finally placing the twins newborn pictures in their photo album, putting the final touches on the nursery, make sense of all of the hospital bills that have invetiably flowed in, and organizing my millions of magazine recipes. Alas, I have made some progress on the nursery and picture organizing, but we have miles to go.

I did make some progress on chunking piles of paperwork and old bills we no longer need. Finally dropped it off at the shredder and it weighed in at a whopping 26lbs. 26lbs of crap that I didn't need that was clogging my files and raising my blood pressure to untold levels. Paperless everything is my new best friend. Have a coupon? Send it to me paperless. Need to send me a bill? Paperless, thank you very much.

And now that it's fall, instead of putting things up, we are dragging down all sorts of fall decor and other madness from the attic.  I love the fall season and  I do love seeing all of the autumn colors in my casa, even if it is 90 degrees and 100% humidity outside. And there's not a pot of chili bubbling away on the stove.

I'm trying to get the babies all dressed up for fall but it's difficult with the warm weather. I put Ryan in a long sleeve shirt and some cords the other day and I thought he literally melted into his carrier. I'm such a good mom. Sometimes it's painful to be fashionable. Ironic though that my babies are always generally dressed up in their finest when we go out (which isn't often), and I am wearing a get up somewhat between my morning pjs and workout clothes. Although I haven't worked out in like a year. The sacrifices we make. Apparently the babies don't care if I have make up on or my hair straightened. Good to know.

Soooo back to the excitement - because I know that doesn't sound very exciting. We had an excellent appointment at TCH yesterday for Quinn. In fact, she is doing so well that right now, they do not want to see her back until the last 2 weeks of January. From then, based on her weight, we will probably schedule surgery late February, early March. On Monday, she was 11lbs 13oz so that was awesome. We fully anticipate for that growth to continue as we just added rice cereal to her bottles for some extra calories. Our doctor does not recommend it for Ryan until he can take it from the spoon. Right now, he doesn't have enough upper core strength to do that --- and he doesn't need the added calories if we put it in his bottle. Soooo, we continue to just move on and pray her stats hold out as long as possible. God has been so faithful in this journey. Just getting her this big and this far along has been HUGE for a baby born at 3lbs 13oz! All credit goes to Him, and Him only. Thank you for your continued prayers!!!

The other excitement: I made my first trip out of town and away from my babies this past weekend. One of my best friends (we've known each other for 25 years!!), had a wedding reception following a destination wedding. I really didn't want to miss it and I knew it would probably be fairly healthy for me to have some "Meagan Time" and not be a 24 hour mom for a couple of days. Lucky for me, I have pretty much the best husband in the world who was totally up for the task of taking care of the kids. He did a wonderful job - got the babies fed, kept them on their nap schedule, tummy time, and all that. I only worried about his diet which seemed to consist of pizza, beer, pizza, cereal, pizza, and maybe more beer (hey, it was football Saturday!!)

I 100% enjoyed my time away, but it sure was good to get back home. It took me the first 24 hours there to stop looking at my watch every 3 hours to see when a child needed a bottle (Type A, much?). And I came home to kids that I swear grew overnight and big ole gummy smiles. Pretty awesome homecoming.

Here are a few pictures of the wedding reception --- such fun to catch up with old friends, including seeing my other lifetime bestie, Ash... who no matter how separate our lives may seem these days, she's one of those you just pick right back up with. Like nothing's changed. Love ya!

Plus, for the 2nd weekend in a row, I got to see my mom, which is just a huge treat within itself. Never a dull moment when I am with my mom --- and we wouldn't have it any other way. I wish I could have seen more of my friends while in Dallas, but it was so last minute and I don't think I stopped moving once my plane touched down at Love. Hopefully, we will get back again soon and this time I will have my babies in tow. And based upon how much I packed for a 48 hour getaway, we are probably going to need a U Haul to get us there.

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 Me & the Ashleys
 Some of Sting '80 reunited!
 Me and mom at the "after party"
 Ash & I
 Missed this little one so much!!
 And this little guy, too!
Story time with Mommy

1 comment:

Johnson Family said...

What a beautiful bride!! So glad you got a way for a little you time. We all need that every once in a while. Makes us all better mommies and wives I think.

So glad Q is growing and doing so well! She is looking more and more like you as she grows. Beautiful babies!