
A Few Brief Things...

Peaches... much better. See Prunes.

We have now made our way through bananas, peaches, and parts of prunes (which have been put on a shelf for a rainy-constipated day). I sent Matt to the store today to pick up some extra fruits since we are trying to do this by the book (veggies, then fruits -each one for 3 days on ensure no allergies --- especially important given my allergic history, well... to all things).

My mom swears by plums, whole jars of plums, that I apparently would eat by the fistful - only I can't find them ANYWHERE. Any tips? What other fruits to try? I hear pears has a similar prune type effect that I am not eager to re-visit anytime soon. What else am I missing? Once we get through these basics, we can move onto the fun blends. And then eventually to normal foods which will be a treat.

And yes, these have been my days while Matt was offhshore. Oh, the glamour :)

We did have another first this weekend --- something that would be normal in most families I suppose at this point but we finally attended our first children's birthday party with family in tow. We had Q's doctor clearance to do events like this, as long as contact was minimal with other children & she wasn't placed in a daycare or nursery situation yet.

So this is reason #345 that I heart facebook - I reconnected with Libby through some random post I made about a Super Kroger opening near my house - and she was like "wait, where do you live?" Turns out these 2 long-lost sorority sisters (who both had the distinct "pleasure" (sarcasm) of being Treasurer)  lived about 15 minutes apart. Libby was such a support during our pregnancy and everything that followed with R&Q and such a pleasure to reconnect with again! I love her sweet & generous heart - and I love that bit of Louisiana hospitality and fun in the midst of suburbian Houston.

Anyway, it was her son G that turned 1 today & it was sooo nice to get out with our family  and "be normal". The kids were just kind of in awe a bit when we got there but soon settled in and picked out their favorite toys (Quinn - the exersaucer, Ryan - the floor & the toys on the floor :) ) . We had a wonderful time in that bit of normalcy. And I know that must seem a little exaggerated for all you parents who have taken your kiddos to parties since month 3, but it hasn't been a plausible reality for us until now.

Thank you, L&G for hosting us! I wish I had pictures but I am just lucky that I remembered my diaper bag. Oh, and I was holding a glass of pinot grigio the entire time as I celebrated doing "normal family things" :)

(And for the record, I am of course biased, but the babies did wonderfully!)

And we also discovered that Ryan is cutting his SIXTH tooth. 6. He just spits and drools everywhere. No wonder. And Q's eyes have been glassy all weekend but no fever, so I checked out her mouth - she's starting to cut at least 1 if not 2 that I can tell. Big weekend at the Clanahan house.

Did I mention that we ordered in sushi last night?

Living large, y'all. Living large. And loving it.

Great to have my Matt back by my side on dry land. Just where we like him.

In His Hands,

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1 comment:

Lisa said...

There will soon be a day where you will wish those birthday parties weren't so often. In January alone my girls were invited to a total of 6 parties! WE are going to go broke! HAhaha!!