Seriously. I need help.
I'm really not sure this is the type of thing to post on facebook. Or blogger for that matter.
But desperate times.
I've searched the interwebs and I've seen a lot of "wait it out" type responses.
Here is the deal.
Q started a new thing this weekend.
She started screaming "poo-poo", "poo-poo", "poo-poo" over and over again. Then she would scream when we came near her to check.
Then she started running and getting a diaper.
Mind you, she did not have poo-poo.
Not yet.
She cried, begged, pleaded to be changed.
So we changed her diaper.
No less than 5 minutes later.
Yup, there was poo poo.
In the fresh diaper.
After finally catching on (we are pretty astute around here), we started trying to get her to go on the potty.
Which she usually loves and has been successful with #1 several times.
She threw a flying fit.
So the only solution to get her to stop screaming is to put on a fresh diaper and that's the only way she will go #2.
I realize this is probably my most disgusting post ever but I am trying to nip this in the bud before it becomes a real issue. A lot of the posts I was reading say it led to a lot of problems with ummmm.... the big c. Constipation.
Seriously, am I typing this???
If anyone has any tips or thoughts or encouragement, PUH LEAZE comment and let me know. Aghhhhhhhhhhhhh.
From a mommy that would prefer to keep her mental faculties in check,