
Yup. My friends know me.

I have pretty awesome friends. Not bragging, just a fact. They have laughed with me, cried with me, loved on my kids, loved me through the good and the bad. One of my best friends in H-town (whom I pretty much met the first year we moved here and we have just lived all sorts of life together - she ROCKS), gave me the most kick-a Christmas present.

For the past few months, we've instituted mommy playdate/happy hours most Thursdays - our hubbies both work long hours and we are SAHMs, so we are DONE by the end of the week. Our kids are now at that perfect age where they can actually play together, entertain one another, and we live only 7 minutes apart. It's awesome.

(Disclaimer: HH playdates do not begin until after the respectable hour of 5pm, we have a max one drink limit, and most of the time is spent corralling the children, and over the chaos, just trying to catch up with some girl talk. It's all very responsible and respectable-like.)

Anyway, she knows my love language.

Here was my present:

Basically a wine sippy cup for Mommies.

Are you kidding me?

It's so perfect, I can't even tell you. I'm not going to lie - it was put to good use the other night when the kids needed to burn off some energy after their naps (and after 5pm) until Daddy came home. We usually play in the front because of the shade & all of their toys/bikes are out there. But glass & kids don't mix. Vino2Go? Perfection. About 5 minutes into our playing, Ryan's basketball nailed my sippy cup. Spilled wine, yes. But no glass. YES. 

(And I do realize how classy I must look in my yoga pants & baseball cap standing out in my front yard with my wine sippy cup, but I.don't.care. :) ) 

Anyway, my affinity for wine has been well-documented with all of my friends --- even if we go to a Mexican restaurant, I go for the wine. I haven't been able to stomach the smell of tequila and 'ritas since LSU freshman year. And so even friends whom I haven't seen in awhile apparently think of me when they see cool wine related products.

 ie: my friend P posted this same exact link to my FB page today and said "thought of you". ha. Great, I'm THAT wino :) Not sure if I am proud. But I'm impressed that my friends know me so well. (I don't really want to write another disclaimer, but all imbibing is pretty much responsible and adult-like. I have been over 21 for 11+ years now or something like that.)

I do think it's a great product for tailgating, boat rides, or wherever your adventures take you :) You're welcome. (And no, I wasn't compensated for this post - just wanted to share. Click on the link above if you're interested.)


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Twingle Mommy said...

That. Is. Awesome!!! I see the perfect birthday gift for a few of my friends and of course I'll have to get one for myself too.

Pineapples and Pickles said...

I've been wanting one of these. Excited about our February wine night --- now we just need to get it on the calendar. I'll send an e-mail this week so we can narrow down a date. Have a good week, friend!

Lisa Johnson said...

You.are.awesome. So wish we lived in the same city so we could be BFF's! We are SO much alike! :)