
Family Pictures 2011

Once again we were blessed to have one of my best friends and great photographer capture some family pictures this winter. And once again, we managed to pick one of the windiest days to take the pictures : )  But the babies were troopers --- and Kendra (http://www.kendramartinphotography.com/) has to be one of the most patient people I know. She tolerates me (which in itself is a huge chore) and my extreme dislike of having my picture taken. It's only for the sacrifice of the family that I appear in any of them. If it was up to me it would be just Matt and the babies, ha!

And taking pictures of two VERY active toddlers is darn near impossible. Direction following is not their strong suit at the moment so I imagine most of the pictures were just blurs of them running somewhere. And of course my ideal would be to have a handful of pics of just the two of them, holding hands or something precious like that, but unless you tie them down, it's not going to happen! Thank you, Kendra, for putting up with us again and again. We love you!

Anyway, she took A TON of pictures and I tried to whittle it down but it was so hard to choose. So if you can bear with me, here are some photos from the day.

(And yes, a few of these will make an appearance in our New Year's cards - that's right, New Years. Christmas cards didn't happen this year but I'm working on getting out my cards before Valentine's Day! We'll see how it goes.)

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Lisa Johnson said...

Beautiful pictures! Beautiful family!

The Wests said...

Precious family!!

Pineapples and Pickles said...

These are beautiful, gorgeous pictures of an adorable family! Seriously, love these!

Heather said...

these are great! the ones of the two of them sticking their heads through the fence are ridiculously cute. And you look great! Sorry I've commented on all of your posts!!

John said...

Great photos!!!

John said...

Great photos!!!